Express Mom LLC is a premier home care service for families with babies who are seeking support with breastfeeding and newborn baby care skills. Suzanne Bussetti, founder of Express Mom LLC, is a certified pediatric nurse practitioner (CPNP) and certified lactation consultant (IBCLC) with over 25 years of experience working with babies and families. She has worked with full-term, preterm, twin babies and multiple babies in the NICU setting and in private practice lending guidance, lactation support and advise with mother/baby feeding concerns.
Babies who may be premature, slow or poor feeders, jaundice, slow weight gainers, are best served by a lactation consultant. Babies who are not feeding well within 48-72 hours after birth, mothers with postpartum complications and suppressed milk production also benefit from a lactation visit.
If you would like a home care visit, video, or phone appointment or prenatal breastfeeding class to help guide you through your breastfeeding experience please call or text 201-788-1457 or email